Friday, October 28, 2011


Our family has only fairly recently started watching the new Doctor Who series, but we are hooked!  Thus, Trevor's previously lackadaisical attitude towards Halloween this year suddenly took on new life when I suggested he could be a Dalek.  The Daleks are recurring villains in the series and one of the Doctor's chief nemeses.  They live inside armor shells, speak with mechanical voices, and generally want to EXTERMINATE anything that is not a Dalek.

This costume is (obviously) largely cardboard and duct tape.  A box that arrived conveniently last week was deconstructed to become the body.  A big piece of pipe insulation from the hardware store served as a base and was instrumental in maintaining the body's roughly circular shape (I originally tried doing this with coat hanger wire, but the pipe insulation was much more effective, and safer too!).  A metal bowl (with some of the leftover pipe insulation attached to the inside to make for a more snug fit) and some suspended cardboard rings (cut from frozen pizza backs) made a suitable topper.  Various other household objects were used as attachments.  And of course, duct tape everywhere!  It was mildly problematic coming up with enough egg cartons (we could have made do with fewer, but I think it looks better this way).  Fortunately I have recently started cooking eggs for the kids for breakfast most school mornings, and had a number of cartons that hadn't yet been recycled, and managed to get through a couple more in the last week before Halloween.

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