Saturday, October 18, 2008

Native American Warrior Princess

I was very pleased with how this costume turned out, as it sounded so simple, but was quite effective. I just took one of my husband's old tshirts, turned it inside out and cut off the sleeves and neck. I folded part of it over in the back and stitched it up a bit so that it was a better fit on Karen, and cut a fringe around the bottom. I also sewed some turquoise beads onto the front in a more or less chevron pattern. Karen wore this tunic over a sweater that was roughly the same color, and we reused the pants that we had bought for Allison's colonial costume the previous year. She decorated her own headband (I just stitched it up for her) and found her own feathers. I made her a bow, and a few arrows out of sticks, with cardboard points and feathered tails fastened with rubber bands. Her quiver was made of felt we had at home. I also made the black face makeup by burning paper and grinding the ashes with vaseline. In the end, I didn't spend a cent on this costume, as it all came from stuff we already owned or could gather from outside!

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