Sunday, October 26, 2008


We're all big fans of the card game Munchkin -- it's a silly take-off on D&D where the monsters you battle and the treasures and equipment you collect are just plain goofy, with all sorts of awful puns and humorous illustrations mixed in. After we finish a game, Allison often offers to draw a picture of the winner, with all his or her equipment.

At any rate, both Allison and Trevor wanted to be Munchkin characters for Halloween this year. We searched through the cards, looking for equipment that would be easy to make and wear.

Both kids have Horny Helmets, Paper Plate Armor, and Spiky Knees. Allison is also wearing the Shield of Ubiquity (on her back, where you can't see it in the photo) and a Cute Shoulder Dragon (+4 bonus for females!), and carrying a Very Long Pike (bad pun alert!). Trevor has a Cheese Grater of Peace attached to his belt and is carrying a Two-Handed Sword.

Everything that we didn't already own was simple to make, requiring little more than cardboard, glue and duct tape (note that the pike is wearing fabric recycled from the dinosaur tails back when Allison was in Kindergarten!), but we had a lot of fun coming up with it all!

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